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Counselor/Social Worker, ACC sensitive claims and ACC Training for Independence - Nelson - Liam
Social Worker Nelson - Stoke
469 Main Road Stoke
7020 Nelson
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Liam | Counselor/Social Worker, ACC sensitive claims and ACC Training for Independence

Social Worker Nelson - Stoke

ACC sensitive claims Counselor/Social Worker, ACC, MSD, ISSC sensitive claims.

I'm a community based Counselor and Social Worker practicing throughout Nelson Marlborough Region.  I provide ACC Sensitive Claims counselling a comprehensive range of ACC funded Social Work services. If you would benefit from counselling or linking to other health professionals I will help you quickly find the right service for you.  I am always happy to respond to a quick email to discuss what supports would be a good match based on needs no matter how complex.


I can help provide:


  • ACC funded sensitive claims Counselling and Social Work ACC sensitive claims Service Provider/Social Worker
  • OCP Employee Assistance Counselling Free of charge, 100% confidential-Please check first with your workplace or organisation if they use OCP for their employee assistance.
  • ACC funded social work including training for independence plans and pain clinic work
  • Research, support and advocacy pertaining to all health related matters.


I am able to provide you and your family with a supportive and understanding, confidential relationship for you to discuss any personal matters that may concern you.  My counselling and social work focuses on your strengths and is task focused.


I practice in the community and rooms at Habit Health 469 Main Road, Stoke, Nelson 7011.


If you would like to know more or make an appointment, please contact me via the send a message - button for a confidential discussion.

All the best 



Qualifications and registrations

  • Registered Full Member Social Worker SWRB
  • Member ANZASW
  • Dip Social Work
  • ACC Provider Counselling and Social Work
  • MSD Agent
  • ISSC Sensitive Claims accredited.
  • OCP Employee Assistance Counsellor
  • Bachelor of Commerce and Management.
  • Masters of Commerce and Management with Honors




A to Z of how my ACC, MSD & privately funded Social Work can help you or your client…
A is for Accommodation 
Find, fund and help ensure that it remains sustainable and safe.   
B is for Benefits 
Application for Disability Allowance, Temporary Additional Support etc.   
C is for cars 
ACC 250 Request for Travel Costs, seek funding if modifications or maintenance required  for cars that are needed due to the disability or recovery process. 
D is for dependents 
Link to relevant social service providers, linking in with cheap healthcare.    
E is for Employee Assistance for OCP 
Counselling Free of charge, 100% confidential  
F is for Food 
Links to Food Banks and Food Grants MSD that may be able to help pay for food if the client is a low income or a benefit.   
G is for Groceries 
Links to Budget Advice for planning   
H is for Heating 
MSD request for extra funding for heating, liaise with Landlords   
I is for I sight :} 
Glasses funded by MSD, liaison with ophthalmologists.    
J is for Jolly 
Links and engagement with social opportunities based on interests and abilities (e.g. Brain injury association groups or reading groups)   
K is for Kinesiology 
Links to health professionals and providers that can be co funded under Green Prescription or NMDHB or private funding   
L is for Lunch 
Links to day shared meals throughout the Nelson Marlborough region where clients can participate in meal preparation or simply enjoy some company.   
M is for Tikanga Māori 
Helping work out a wide range health and well-being issues— culture, custom, ethic, etiquette, formality, lore, manner, meaning, mechanism, method, protocol, links to Maori Heath Services throughout the region.  
N is for negotiating with stakeholders
Help clients liaise with Medical Secretaries etc ensure paperwork is completed and obligations are met e.g. adherence to court orders if that will help them meet their goals.   
O is for openings 
Help clients look for work if that is part of their goals in the plan.   
P is for Prison 
Liaison with Department of Corrections, Courts and Polices about fines, curfews, trespass and Protection Orders etc.   
Q is for Qualitative and Quantitative 
Research Possible funding and options based on client’s plan’s needs.  E.g other funding for care and welfare.   
R is for Rent and Rates Guarantees from MSD, Housing NZ, Private Rentals Liaison with Councils for Rates Rebates visits to clients homes and smaller recycle bins etc.   
S is for sensitive claims 
Working with the skilled teams at SVS living safe and The Nelson Clinic.   
T is for Telephone 
Apply to MSD if a Telephone is needed.   
U is for urgent 
Liaison with MCT or Social Workers at Emergency Department. 
V is for Vehicle
Support OT and Physio if client has vehicle goals in plan.   
W is for Water 
Support client with Green Prescription for discounted Gym and Swims  
X is for x ray 
Link and support clients to understand criteria for receiving health services   
Y is for yoga 
Activities that can be funded by MSD if GP agrees on Disability Allowance   
Z is for zzz's 
Support to access respite care-a healthy part of giving care. 

Most common issues I support people with:

Liaison with MSD
Liaison with ACC
Liaison with DHB's 
Liaison with PHO's
Advocacy with government departments, non government departments and health and wellbeing social service providers.


  • ACC funds sensitive claims Social Work and Counselling.  ACC funds Training for Independence Plans.


  • Private clients $150 per session.

Availability (Opening hours)

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
Saturday -
Sunday -


Contact me

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Read the interview with Liam below.


1. Where is your practice (office) located?
I practice from offices rented at Nelson Nursing ServicesHabit Health...
469 Main Road, Stoke, Nelson 7011
37 Stuart Street, Blenheim
37 Peel Street Westport
Also in the Heartland Offices elsewere on the West Coast.

2. What life events have been important to you?
I started my career after completing a Masters of Commerce and Management with Honors. That gave me the skills to research and appreciate how different perspectives need to be taken into account for sustainable solutions.

3. Why did you become a counsellor / therapist?
I became a Sensitive Claims Counsellor and ACC Social Worker to support people to link in with what can help them in the community. I enjoy supporting people to access funded supports as well as ways to counter social isolation. I enjoy helping people access health, welfare and justice services in a timely manner.

4. What do you like the most about being a counsellor/therapist?
I work with a variety of clients, ACC funded Sensitive Claims Counselling, ACC Social Work,  OCP (employee assistance counselling) and ISSC sensitive claims Social Work. I enjoy learning about peoples resilience and how my practice can give practical support to improve their quality of life.

5. What is your most remarkable experience as a counsellor/therapist?
Seeing clients achieve something remarkable for them that changes their life. E.g. accessing health care that is right for them in a timely manner or finding and obtaining funding for accommodation.



1. What was your most pleasant moment today/yesterday?
Going for a bush walk with my dog.

2. How do you see yourself in 5 years? And in 10 years?
Practising Counselling and Social Work in an interdiciplinary manner. This means I quickly colaborate with other health professionals when needed and keep things task-focused and goal orientated.

3. What are your hobbies? What do you do in your free time?
Dog walks, jazz music concerts on youtube etc.

4. What makes you happy?
Family, knowing I have done my best for clients, a nice meal and a cup of tea afterwards.

5. Do you have a partner and/or family?
My partner and I have two fast growing girls aged 12 and 14.

6. Have you ever had therapy / counselling yourself? What was your experience?
My father passed away in a motor vehicle accident when I was 16. I found counselling a good way to work through grief.

7. What other occupation would you have liked, if you hadn't become a counsellor / therapist?
I would have liked to be a policy advisor or a BBQ chef. The latter is just not likely :}



1. Who inspires you?
People who manage some form of disability physical or mental. People who care give for people who manage a disability. Often without much respite, they still manage to enjoy everyday life and goals meaningful to them.

2. Books you recommend?
I read a lot of non-fiction as I also review books. My tip would be not to discount the pleasure in reading non-fiction children's books. They need to be well written to keep this most discerning of audiences attention.

3. Your favourite film and why?
A Dogs Tail.

A Good Kiwi Yarn.

4. Your favourite quote?
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all" Helen Keller.

5. What is your mission?
To do well and have fun whilst helping others.

6. What is your superpower?
Ability to finish off children's meals.

7. Top tip for happiness?
Accept what you can not change and work on what you can in incremental, purposeful steps daily.

Counselor/Social Worker, ACC sensitive claims and ACC Training for Independence - Nelson - Liam

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