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Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist & Havening Techniques ® Certified Practitioner - Wellington - Ellie
Coaching, Hypnotherapy & Havening Wellington
28 Lohia Street - Khandallah
6035 Wellington
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Ellie | Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist & Havening Techniques ® Certified Practitioner

Coaching, Hypnotherapy & Havening Wellington

A key focus and passion is trauma recovery for big T and little t trauma.  It may be very recent or from our past.  Such trauma as childhood sexual abuse, abandonment, neglect, earthquakes, violence, bullying, car accidents, and warfare. 
Or you may be feeling stuck in a pattern that doesn't serve you.  Do you have high intent and find something from deep inside seems to sabotage or hijack progress? I've worked with clients with PTSD, OCD, chronic sleep deprivation, alcohol dependency and more. 

The results are astoundingly fast and can be permanent.  I love the look of disbelief on my clients faces as they try to find the trauma response but can’t.  It lights me up to help people break free of these horrific events.  They are left with the working memory and the wisdom but not the emotional angst and at times a deep sense of shame associated that they hadn’t been able shake.  Clients have ranged in age and stage from 3 years, primary school, teenagers and adults.

My techniques help resolve the past and create space and the structure for the future you want.  The techniques are quick, compassionate and do not require you to regurgitate deeply upsetting detail that usually only serves to further strengthen the trauma.  Instead in a few short hours you get results compared to what some of my clients have said years of talk therapy and thousands of dollars didn’t achieve.

Reach out to me for a no obligation 15-minute chat. I’d love to speak with you.

If you want to know more or make an appointment, feel free to contact me.


Online therapy

Don't be put off by online therapy.  Often clients prefer online as they are in their own environment and can easily relax afterwards without the hassle of travel. Clients can attend online from anywhere in the world, easily and effectively.  I use Google Meet and send a link to the meeting.

Qualifications and registrations

  • BSc Hons Psychology - 1998
  • Prekure Certified Health Coach - 2020
  • Certified Magnetic Mind Coach - 2022
  • Diploma in Clinical & Advanced Hypnosis -DipCAH - 2023
  • Havening Techniques ® Certified Practitioner - 2023

  • Registered Professional membership to NZAPH (NZ Assn of Professional Hypnotherapists)
  • Prekure postgrad Professional Development


I offer therapy in


  • 1. Trauma
  • 2. Havening
  • 3. Hypnotherapy
  • 4. Sleep deprivation
  • 5. Alcohol Dependency
  • 6. OCD

Specialisations and Expertises

So much of what we do is automated behaviour.  For example, for the drivers amongst us, we become experts in driving without having to consciously think through every step, and often we are thinking of something else while an automated part of us is safely driving.  We have many, many automated programmes within our subconscious and some of them may need an upgrade.  You have all the resources and wisdom within but may need support to facilitate the shifts.  Together we work on the outcome you want, what is getting in the way and get your subconscious mind aligned to the outcome you want to achieve.  It is safe, compassionate, empowering and often fast.  We work at your pace but get results in a matter of hours together (not months or years).

Most common issues I support people with:

Trauma - retain the objective memory and the wisdom without the hijacking impact of trauma (old or recent)
Behaviour Change - a mix of coaching at a practical level and updating the internal programmes to align to the outcome you want to achieve - eliminating self sabotage or that part of you that keeps interfering with your best laid plans
Personal Development - increasing your sense of self-esteem, self-worth, supporting the shifts you want to make at your pace.


$200 per one hour session
$300 for initial 90 minute discovery session
$675 if buy 4.5 hour sessions in advance saving $225

Free 15 minute no obligation chat to ask questions and check if we are a good match.

$250 for couples/family

Availability (Opening hours)

Monday Unavailable
Tuesday 8.30am-12pm
Wednesday 1pm-8.30pm (online only after 5.30pm)
Thursday 1pm-8.30pm (online only after 5.30pm)
Friday Unavailable
Saturday 2pm-5.30pm
Sunday 2pm-5.30pm



Contact me

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