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Psychosynthesis Counsellor & Guide - Warkworth - Stephanie
Counselling Warkworth - Auckland
10 Morpeth Street
0910 Warkworth

✓ I also offer online therapy

Stephanie | Psychosynthesis Counsellor & Guide

Counselling Warkworth - Auckland

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Here are some of the ways I work with clients:

Talk therapy:  I am here to hold a safe space for you to talk to, being trauma informed, I am trained to guide sessions back to solid ground if they become submerged in deep water. 
Sharing with someone who is not envolved with the stories being shared means you have greater freedom to share 'the whole story' and express your feelings and thoughts freely.

Guided reflections: Guided reflections are ways of supporting your own inner knowing and healing potential.  Supporting you to identify the solid ground of what you love and has meaning for you, aswell as what is challenging you, builds resilience and self esteem.

Nervous system regulation:  We all have a nervous system, and our nervous systems respond or react depending on our sense of safety.  When we react we feel contracted and defended.  This can cause havoc to experiencing the brighter side of life and relationships.  Learning about your nervous system and how to take care of it gives you tools to embrace life more fully.

EFT:  Emotionally Focused Therapy is a Therapeutic model for remedying relationships when they break down.  By having a really clear framework the confusion of relationship break downs can be managed in a step by step process that brings self awarness for individual clients and awareness and understanding for couples and family unit clients.

Reaching out for counselling can be a challenge in itself. I encourage you to value your own self-care as much as you would taking care of your car, or a friend. You matter.

Online therapy

Online therapy works well for most people.  Some clients require the extra support of face to face counselling.  

A 15 minute free consult can determine if online counselling is right for your.

Qualifications and registrations

  • Counselling Diploma with the Institute of Psychosynthesis NZ / 2018
  • Certificate: Emotionally Focused Therapy NZ / EFT Cores Skills Training / 2021
  • Member of the NZ Association of Counsellors (MNZAC)
  • ACC Sensitive Claims Registered



$100 per session Full Cost, $70 Low Cost


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