Network of therapists
and counsellors in NZ
Counsellor - Auckland - Jacqueline
Counselling Red Beach - Hibiscus Coast - Auckland
Rosario Crescent - Red Beach - Hibiscus Coast
0932 Auckland
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Jacqueline | Counsellor

Counselling Red Beach - Hibiscus Coast - Auckland

An ideal client would be ... you!

Whether you are a child/tamariki, a teen/rangatahi, a young adult/mātātahi or an adult.
You are currently experiencing a few challenges in your life: due to current or historical events.

These may include Trauma, Grief, Abuse, Loss, Relationships, Change.
Your goal is to feel heard, to be seen (a little) and to evolve from where you are. To one day feel better about your life & yourself.
Your looking for somewhere safe & quiet. You may have a curiosity beyond talk therapy... wondering what is Sandplay?

I honour who you are, your courage and your hopes. I will walk alongside you. I will hear you.
I will use compassion, empathy & sometimes humour. I will support your accountability in your healing.
I will also utilise my many years of (eclectic) experience: there is no formula.

As a human I've my own life journey: I have my own therapist. As a professional I've a clinical supervisor.

I am neuro-diverse, an advocate & ally. A migrant, whāngai, a woman, a Mum, a Nana.
You, your journey will be safe with me.

About me

​I am a late diagnosed neuro divergent Nana whose parents came from either side of the Atlantic. I am the middle of their three children. I have the privilege of living in several countries around the world before arriving & being honoured to call Aotearoa/New Zealand home. Since 2003. 
Making the most of an unexpected migration opportunity, I embarked on a journey of learning: Academically, I began with NZQA Certificate L4 in Youth Work. Continuing on to tertiary study, where I graduated with a (BASS) Degree in Counselling and a Diploma in Integrative Psychology (Hakomi). My studies continued, specialising in Trauma and Sandplay Therapy trainings. 
Since arriving in Aotearoa I have had the privilege of experiencing life on a Marae and of being whangai. I continue to work on my confidence in Te Reo Māori, my knowledge of Te Ao Māori.

I am known for "being real" & for my ability to connect, particularly with younger members of our community & with those who might be considered 'minorities'.
Since graduating I have continued to develop my counselling skills. Traditional Talk Therapy is supported with more creative modalities: Interactive Drawing Therapy and Sandplay Therapy.
My career has seen me specialise as a Women’s Counsellor, a Rural Community Counsellor & a Youth Counsellor before embarking on my Private Practice.
I established my Private Practice early 2016. Initially in on the east coast, then centrally before relocating north to the Hibiscus Coast. Primarily, working in person with clients from across the North Island. Specialising with children and those who have trauma histories and sensitive claims.
With future clients benefiting from this deep and varied clinical experience and knowledge.


If you want to know more or make an appointment, feel free to contact me via the Send a message - button.


Qualifications and registrations

Bachelor of Applied Social Sciences: Counselling 2008
Diploma in Integrated Psychology: Hakomi 2008
NZQA 4: Youth Work 2004

Professional Development Training, Quals:
Child-Centered Play Therapy (Stage 1) 2018
Certificate: Sandplay & Symbol Work - with Children, Adolescents & Adults 2015
Certificate: Interactive Drawing Therapy (IDT) Intermediate 2012

Professional Development
Currently working with STANZA towards International Accreditation as an ISST Accredited Sandplay Therapist.

Professional Affiliations
NZAC: New Zealand Association of Counsellors (Member since 2013),
STA: Sandplay Therapists of America (Associate Member),
STANZA: Sandplay Therapists Association New Zealand and Australia (Associate Member)


I offer therapy in


  • 1. Children, Youth, Young People
  • 2. Trauma

Specialisations and Expertises

  • Children, Youth, Young People ~ those under 25
  • Ally & Advocate for our Rainbow Community
  • Ally & Advocate for/with Tangata Whenua (often recommended for my 'brown heart')
  • Selectively Mute clients
  • Lived experience of Neuro Spicey & late diagnosis 


  • Private Paying Appointment Fees are $150
  • EAP Contracts have varying rates


Contact me

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